10 Ways To Get Bookkeeping Clients In 2022

10 Ways To Get Bookkeeping Clients In 2022

How do you market your bookkeeping services to find clients? As a business owner, it is imperative to make time for marketing to expand your company.

If you’re not sure what to do or how to go about marketing your business, you’re not alone. Many bookkeepers struggle with generating leads and finding more clients. Fortunately, it’s a skill you can learn and one that will pay dividends for the life of your business.

This blog highlights some methods you can use to not only attract new clients successfully but also pre-qualify them, so you get connected with prospective clients who are the best possible fit. In other words, you end up with better clients and a better experience running your business.

Find your niche - What type of individual do you want to reach through your marketing initiatives? It is very tempting to say “everyone”, However, the more you can refine your idea of a target audience, the more successful you’ll be with your marketing initiatives. So, offer services designed for niche industries and become known in that field.

Create Your Website – This will show that you are a real business and also give you credibility. More importantly, it will serve as a tool to turn visitors into your potential bookkeeping clients. Have a clear value proposition in your website content as well as clear Call-To-Action (CTA) that would help convert visitors to prospective clients. Outline some benefits that businesses can expect from your solution. Keep your website content updated regularly to allow your website to appear in the top results in a Google search and generate more leads for your business.

Word-of-Mouth Advertising – The power of word-of-mouth advertising cannot be overemphasized. It’s such a common, powerful, and inexpensive strategy, and it should be the starting point of your marketing initiative as a startup. When most people need a professional to accomplish a task for them, they usually ask friends and family members for advice. So, talk to your family, friends, neighbors, well-wishers about your business and don’t be afraid to ask them to refer you to their network.

Attend Local Networking Events – Attend local business networking events to meet with other business owners. Talk to them about your business; collect their business cards so you can connect with them and build your network. Continue to nurture them through your sales funnel till they convert to clients.

Align yourself with other Professionals - Strategic partnerships with other professionals may lead to outsourcing their clients’ bookkeeping tasks to you. Talk with local professionals in complementary industries about trading referrals. Your clients may need services from others, as well. Everyone comes out ahead when they work together to grow their businesses.

Start a blog – This is a long-term strategy but the results over time will boost not only your SEO but your brand awareness and recognition and place you as an expert and thought leader in your industry. Blogging can help advertise your expertise and improve your lead generation.

Find topics that your target market is searching for using a tool like Ubersuggest. To get clients, write a well-optimized blog that increases your chances of appearing on the first page of Google. This will get you a nice flow of website visits and also help you get bookkeeping clients. Make sure your blogs have a Call-To-Action at the end so your readers can take the required action that will move them into becoming your clients.

Keep in mind that a very good CTA can convert about 10% of your readers to clients to be and a decent CTA can convert about 2-3%.

Imagine you are bringing in 1,000 readers per month to your blog and you can convert 2% of them? That’s potentially 20 clients a month from a single blog post! Now imagine that you have 10 blog posts performing like this…you’ll never be in want of new clients ever again!

Consider Paid Ads – Paid ads, like Google, YouTube or Facebook ads, can be a great way to bring you instant traffic to help you get clients for your bookkeeping firm, which might sound appealing when you’re just starting off your bookkeeping business. However, they can be very expensive, and you may not get the desired results. So, unless you have experience running ads, make sure to hire a professional in this area to help your find new clients using paid ads.

Implement a Sales Process – Once you start getting leads and clients, you need to implement a simple, repeatable sales process to help you get more clients on a regular basis. Use your initial consultation to learn more about your prospect’s business and uncover their pain points. It is also a good time to let them know your story and more about you and your business.

Develop a package and pricing structure that is flexible and attractive to your target audience. You could have 3 custom service options for different stages of business, for example. Ensure you sell the value of your expertise to your prospect and not just the package. Be ready to answer all questions and resolve all objections they may raise so you can close the sale with them.

Build Your Email List – Email is one of the most effective means of getting new clients if used properly. You can build up your email list by offering free resources in your blogs; inviting website visitors to join your newsletters, and so many other creative ways. Send regular emails at consistent times but avoid spamming so they don’t unsubscribe from your list. Provide useful tips and information that will increase your open rate. Add Call-To-Action buttons to your emails so your readers understand the next step to take.

Become active on social media - Establish a regular presence on whatever platform your target audience can be found. Connect with your target audience on these social platforms and build your relationship with them. Remember that deals get done over time because of the relationships built. Ensure your content and social feeds resonate and attract your desired target audience. Maintain a consistent content strategy that creates brand awareness, builds trust, and positions you as an authority in your industry.

Struggling to maintain a regular social media presence? It's hard to stand out on social media and be found in the noise and clutter of the internet. Yet you know that you need social media presence to grow your business but you're not sure how. If you're struggling with posting on social media, try using our customizable social media posts templates designed for bookkeepers and accountants. You can have a professional social media page for your Bookkeeping and Accounting Firm in minutes with these templates. These posts will make your business more visible on social media and increase your customer engagement as well.

Create social media content that will get you more traffic, more followers, and more business. Click on the link to get immediate access to your templates. https://bit.ly/3GS6Lwq

Tolu Olajide

Founder of Oak Marketing & Brand Management. Tolu is a seasoned entrepreneur with a passion for helping entrepreneurs scale their businesses using effective yet affordable marketing techniques.